New educational materials at Yachay School

Due to new requirements from the state, but also because of the teachers’ own convictions, it was time to supplement and expand the educational material at Yachay School.

Equipment for teaching in the classroom, in the Taller Productivo (home economics) and in physical education

Purchase of materials and arrival at the Yachay school

On the first weekend in August, our director Giovanna and our financial officer Kati went to Lima for a major shopping trip.

One day after the “bulk purchase” in Lima, the materials arrive at the Yachay school.

The pupils are happy to help with unpacking, sorting and distributing the materials.

Use of the new material in lessons

Educación física – Sports

Our sports teacher José is excellent at motivating the children and boosting their self-esteem through the fun of physical activity. The new material will benefit him greatly in his lessons.

Home economics lessons in the school kitchen

The joy about the new material for home economics lessons is written all over the faces of the children and our fantastic teacher Emilia.

Classroom lessons

The wide range of new teaching materials helps the pupils in communication, mathematics and science Thanks to the globe, they will soon realize that we cannot travel from home to Huancayo by bus. They ask us every year how long we have to travel by bus from Switzerland to Peru ;-).

Second graders working with the new math material


The costs for the new material amount to the equivalent of almost 2500 francs and significantly exceed our normal budget. The unbudgeted amount of 1800 francs is generously covered by the Friends of the Embolo Foundation – Children’s Aid Peru/Cameroon.