On the International Day of Children’s Rights you will find here a contribution about the current situation of two Yachay students.
The Right to Education
Since the beginning of the Peruvian lockdown, Yenco and his family have been in his original, remote home village in the Andean province of Huancavelica. There he defends his right to education with great commitment. Every day he climbs a hill to follow the classes sent via WhatsApp and then completes the tasks with enthusiasm. For the live online lessons, he contacted the local authorities, where he was allowed to use the Wifi. Impressive!
The same applies to Franco, who also shows great effort to be able to study. He, too, sets up his workspace on a hill every day.

The Right to Basic Needs
In this harsh pandemic period, Yachay tries its best to ensure the children’s rights to food and health by distributing free food and hygiene products to the families of the Yachay children on the Day of Children’s Rights.
A big thank you to all our friends and supporters for making this possible with their donations and to the Yachay staff for their relentless work and commitment.