For several years, the Day of Children’s Rights has also been the subject of Karin Baur’s kindergarten class.

The above image tells the following story: The Condor, the Puma and the Snake are fighting over a piece of chicken meat. Thanks to the help of Yaku, who attends the Yachay Elementary School, the three squabblers come to an agreement and finally decide to give the piece of meat to the little boy in the background, who needs it more than they do.
Through this story, the children learned about the most important children’s rights.

After the storytime activity, they were able to apply what they had learned by playing a follow-the-path game. We created a station for each of the children’s rights covered in class. In each station, students could explore children’s rights more in detail and collect the corresponding sticker at the end until they completed their collection. In the meantime, they could also color the two images included in the activity sheet.

The children did very well despite having to learn about a somewhat complex subject. In the end, they were really happy about their work. As a reward, they received chocolate truffles to sweeten their znüni, or morning snack.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the children for their great work and, of course, to their devoted teacher, Karin Baur. Every year she gives me a little bit of her class time to educate children about children’s rights and raise their awareness on this subject so they can experience a first impression and subsequently learn about the situation of disadvantaged children in other countries such as Peru.
Simone Gysi